Our Lady of Angels Church
Interior Painting & Decorating, Marble Fabrication , Sanctuary Renovation
Project Details
Our work at Our Lady of Angels consisted of a complete renovation of their Blessed Sacrament Chapel, the fabrication of a new Sanctuary Platform, and the relocation of their Baptismal Font to the main body of the Church. The Blessed Sacrament Chapel received a new porcelain floor, decorative color scheme, and etched glass effects on the glass partition in the room. A new marble Sanctuary platform was installed in the Main Church as well as a new marble bookrest for the Pulpit. The baptismal font was removed from the Sanctuary, the bowl was made wider off site, and the font was reinstalled in the body of the Church. To allow for the Baptismal Font to be relocated, pews were modified and a new marble floor was installed in the newly created Baptistry to delineate the Baptristry from the rest of the Church.